Thursday, August 4, 2011

Friday Following & Hopping #57

TGIF! Happy Friday to everyone! Hope you have big vacation plans before the summer is over.
Thanks for stopping by my blog for this handy little thing called Follow Friday (which is hosted by the mother of all bloggers, Parajunkee).  Comment and leave your blogs link, or just say hi, and I'll be sure to follow you back! :] 

I'm new to Friday Following, as well as the blogging world.  My creative little blogging name is P!nky, I love to read, just recently more than in the past, and I especially love to make new friends. (with awesome taste in books! ;))  I am out of town a lot, but I always make sure to schedule posts whenever I can! You might or might not recognize me from my guest posts on my sister's blog, Kat from A Myriad of Books.  I suppose that's what got me interested in blogging, her success and commitment to it.  

This weeks FF blogger is: Hands and Home

Question of the week:
Q. Talk about the book that most changed or influenced your life (was it a book that turned you from an average to avid reader, did it help you deal with a particularly difficult situation, does it bring you comfort every time you read it?).

My Answer: This is too easy for me-The Bible!  It did all of those things-influenced my life, turned me from an average to avid reader, helped me deal with particulary difficult situations, and brings me comfort!  What more could a girl ask for?  




  1. Good choice for a book. I've read many parts of it and many of the sections are very influential to other writers. I'm your newest follower and would love for you to visit me whenever you get a chance.

  2. Aww I love your answer! =) It is so inspirational.

    New follower! =)

  3. That's sooo right!
    But the bible is not a book,
    it is *the* book.
    It changed my life, and it's still changing it, everyday (:

    New follower hoping through (:

    my follow friday

  4. Hi & Happy Friday!

    A great choice..

    My FF,

    Have a nice weekend.

  5. Welcome to the blogging world.:)

    Good answer.

    Have a good week and weekend.

  6. hopping by and following! Great answer (: 2 Corinthians is my favorite book in the New Testament. My answer wasn't The Bible, but close! Check it out at
    Happy Friday!
    -Katie @ Magic Is In Words

  7. Great answer! Can't go wrong with the Bible!

    New Follower!

    My Follow Friday

    ~Kristin @ Better Read Than Dead

  8. wow...never actually read the bible...the 8 years i spent in catholic school kind of kept me from gettin down with my bible....glad it worked for you though :) happy friday!

  9. Oh what an inspirational choice. :-) following from FF:

  10. Good choice :)

    New follower
    Check out my FF too @

  11. Nice choice! And welcome to the book blogging world! You can check out my FF answer over at Fuzzy.Coffee.Books if you like!
    *new follower

  12. Awesome answer. I totally wasn't thinking about using it, although I completely agree. I was thinking more YA genre, ha ha :) Awesome blog. New follower.

    Here's my post:

    Also, here's my most recent giveaway:

  13. Thanks so much for dropping by my blog and following me! I love your image at the top of the socks in the laundry basket! So cute!

    Good luck with your new blog, book blogging is so much fun and wish you all the success! :)

    Great choice for your answer!

    April @ My Shelf Confessions

  14. Hi, new follower.
    Although I'm not a Christian, I can see how the Bible is a wonderful book, full of comfort :)

    Here's mine:

  15. Hi, I'm a new follower just hopping through.

    Danielle @Ramblings From This Chick

  16. Hopping through. New follower! Hard to go wrong with the scriptures. You learn something new each time you read it.
    My Hop

  17. I remember deciding to read the bible once from beginning to end. I got through Genesis, and then ended up distracted and never got any farther.

  18. @Fireflywishes Thanks! I was hoping that people would realize that they were SOCKS, not just some random picture of dirty laundry. :]
    @Patricia Lynne Yeah, I know, its tough to get into! I had to read fiction novels between each book. :]
    @EVERYBODY! Thank you guys so much!

  19. Great answer! The Bible is definitely the most influential, inspirational book.

    New follower here :)

    My Follow Friday

  20. Hi Pinky! I'm a new blogger as well...kinda, I've done several reviews in the past but stopped and now I've started again...well started reading yet to write my reviews LOL

    Hope you can visit too

    PS:- New Follower

  21. Howdy there! New follower hopping through, Glad to see you're enjoying the Gone series, I've read the first one and loved it!
    Feel free to hop by:


I love comments! They make me feel special. ;]